Company Information

Our company was established in 1997, as a legal successor of a private enterprise, previously run by the owners for 5 years.

The technological attributes of the company as well as the number of its employees and its quality assurance system have shown ongoing development in order to meet the ever expanding needs of clients. Today, manufacturing of parts is carried out by 20 state-of- the- art production apparatuses, all of which are computer operated.

In operation since 2002, the ISO 9001 quality management system is now fully integrated into the company’s own production management system, and proves to be higly successul in promoting quality and customer-oriented production. The conditions of the production and assembling of the elements have evolved in the process of continuous technical development. Currently, our company is making 20-30 types of assembled units and about 1000 kinds of parts. With these products, we serve the needs of 15 customers.

New grounds were broken with the introduction of limited-series assembled unit production, which enables us to use our CAD-CAM systems not only in supporting our own production but in constructional design for customers as well as prototype production. Our aim is to support our customers’ endevours through the technical knowledge we can provide.

Tometh kft introductory video
Tometh Doser
Tometh Kft. - Az év célgépe 2022
Garázscégből milliárdos gépgyártó birodalom
Tometh Takisawa EX 910 Tezmaksan
Tometh QUICK FIX for vertical CNC Milling
Adagoló csiga
BMW 1200 GS markolat
Certified by TÜV THÜRINGEN